Karaoké Over the Hills and Far Away - Gary Moore

Cet enregistrement est une reprise de Over the Hills and Far Away rendu célèbre par Gary Moore

Formats inclus :


Le format CDG (également appelé CD+G ou MP3+G) est compatible avec la majorité des machines karaoké. Il comprend un fichier MP3 ainsi que la synchronisation des paroles (Version Karaoké ne vend pas de CD, mais uniquement les fichiers numériques).

Ce format est reconnu par la majorité des appareils (Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, TV Connectées...)

Ce format est compatible avec le lecteur de karaoké KaraFun Windows Player. Il permet d'ajouter ou retirer les choeurs, le guide vocal, changer le tempo, la tonalité...

Votre achat vous permet de télécharger cette vidéo dans tous ces formats, et ce sans limite.

À propos

Avec choeurs (au choix dans la version KFN)

Tempo identique à l'original : 122.316 BPM

Tonalité identique à l'original : Mim, Fa♯m

Durée : 05:24 - Extrait à : 01:54

Date de sortie : 1987
Styles : Rock, Hard Rock - Metal, En anglais
Auteur-Compositeur : Gary Moore

Tout le contenu de notre site web est entièrement reproduit par nos musiciens en studio. Nous n'utilisons aucune partie des enregistrements originaux et ne faisons en aucun cas usage de la technologie de séparation de pistes par IA.

Paroles Over the Hills and Far Away

They came for him one winter's night arrested he was bound
They said there'd been a robbery his pistol had been found
They marched him to the station house he waited 'till the dawn
And as they led him to the dock
He knew that he'd been wronged
You stand accused of robbery he heard the bailiff say
He knew without an alibi tomorrow's light would mourn his freedom
Over the hills and far away for ten long years he'll count the days
Over the mountains and the seas
A prisoner's life for him there'll be
He knew that it would cost him dear but yet he dare not say
Just where he'd been that fateful night a secret it must stay
He had to fight back tears of rage his heart beat like a drum
For with the wife of his best friend
He'd spent his final night of freedom
Over the hills and far away he swears he will return one day
Far from the mountains and the seas
Back in her arms again he'll be
Over the hills and far away
Over the hills and over the hills and
Over the hills and far away
Each night within his prison cell he looks out through the bars
He reads the letters that she wrote
One day he'll know the taste of freedom
Over the hills and far away she prays he will return one day
As sure as the rivers reach the seas
Back in his arms again she'll be
Over the hills and far away he swears he will return one day
As sure as the river reach the seas
Back in his arms is where she'll be
Over the hills and far away she prays he will return one day
As sure as the rivers reach the seas
Back in her arms is where he'll be
Over the hills over the hills and far away
Over the hills over the hills and far away

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