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Karaoké Alexander the Great - Iron Maiden

Cet enregistrement est une reprise de Alexander the Great rendu célèbre par Iron Maiden

Formats inclus :


Le format CDG (également appelé CD+G ou MP3+G) est compatible avec la majorité des machines karaoké. Il comprend un fichier MP3 ainsi que la synchronisation des paroles (Version Karaoké ne vend pas de CD, mais uniquement les fichiers numériques).

Ce format est reconnu par la majorité des appareils (Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, TV Connectées...)

Ce format est compatible avec le lecteur de karaoké KaraFun Windows Player. Il permet d'ajouter ou retirer les choeurs, le guide vocal, changer le tempo, la tonalité...

Votre achat vous permet de télécharger cette vidéo dans tous ces formats, et ce sans limite.

À propos

Tempo : variable (environ 156 BPM)

Tonalité identique à l'original : Mim

Durée : 08:38 - Extrait à : 03:30

Date de sortie : 1986
Styles : Hard Rock - Metal, Rock, En anglais
Auteur-Compositeur : Steve Harris

Tout le contenu de notre site web est entièrement reproduit par nos musiciens en studio. Nous n'utilisons aucune partie des enregistrements originaux et ne faisons en aucun cas usage de la technologie de séparation de pistes par IA.

Paroles Alexander the Great

Near to the east
In a part of ancient Greece
In an ancient land called Macedonia
Was born a son to Philip of Macedon
The legend, his name was Alexander
At the age of nineteen he became the Macedon King and he swore to free all of Asia Minor
By the Aegean Sea
In three-three-four B.C.
He utterly beat the armies of Persia
Alexander the Great
His name struck fear into hearts of men
Alexander the Great became a legend amongst mortal men
King Darius the third defeated fled Persia
The Scythians fell by the river Jaxartes
Then Egypt fell to the Macedon King as well and he founded the city called Alexandria
By the Tigris river he met King Darius again and crushed him again in the battle of Arbela
Entering Babylon and Susa treasures he found
Took Persepolis the capital of Persia
Alexander the Great
His name struck fear into hearts of men
Alexander the Great became a god amongst mortal men
A Phrygian King had bound a chariot yoke and Alexander cut the Gordian knot
And legend said that who untied the knot he would become the master of Asia
Hellenism he spread far and wide
The Macedonian learned mind
Their culture was a western way of life
He paved the way for Christianity
Marching on
Marching on
The battle weary marching side by side
Alexander's army line by line
They wouldn't follow him to India
Tired of the combat pain and the glory
Alexander the Great
His name struck fear into hearts of men
Alexander the Great
He died of fever in Babylon

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