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Karaoké Foundations - Kate Nash

Cet enregistrement est une reprise de Foundations rendu célèbre par Kate Nash

Formats inclus :


Le format CDG (également appelé CD+G ou MP3+G) est compatible avec la majorité des machines karaoké. Il comprend un fichier MP3 ainsi que la synchronisation des paroles (Version Karaoké ne vend pas de CD, mais uniquement les fichiers numériques).

Ce format est reconnu par la majorité des appareils (Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, TV Connectées...)

Ce format est compatible avec le lecteur de karaoké KaraFun Windows Player. Il permet d'ajouter ou retirer les choeurs, le guide vocal, changer le tempo, la tonalité...

Votre achat vous permet de télécharger cette vidéo dans tous ces formats, et ce sans limite.

À propos

Avec choeurs (au choix dans la version KFN)

Tempo identique à l'original : 170 BPM

Tonalité identique à l'original : Lam

Durée : 04:06 - Extrait à : 01:42

Date de sortie : 2007
Styles : Pop, Folk, En anglais
Auteurs-Compositeurs : Paul Richard Epworth, Kate Nash

Tout le contenu de notre site web est entièrement reproduit par nos musiciens en studio. Nous n'utilisons aucune partie des enregistrements originaux et ne faisons en aucun cas usage de la technologie de séparation de pistes par IA.

Paroles Foundations

Thursday night everything's fine
Except you've got that look in your eye
When I'm tellin' a story and you find it boring
You're thinking of something to say
You'll go along with it then drop it
And humiliate me in front of our friends
Then I'll use that voice that you find annoyin'
And say something like yeah, intelligent input, darlin'
Why don't you just have another beer then?
Then you'll call me a bitch and everyone we're with
Will be embarrassed and I won't give a shit
My finger tips are holding onto the cracks in our foundation
And I know that I should let go but I can't
And every time we fight
I know it's not right
Every time that you're upset and I smile
I know I should forget but I can't
You said I must eat so many lemons 'cos I am so bitter
I said I'd rather be with your friends mate 'cos they are much fitter
Yes, it was childish and you got aggressive
And I must admit that I was a bit scared
But it gives me thrills to wind you up
My finger tips are holding onto the cracks in our foundation
And I know that I should let go but I can't
And every time we fight
I know it's not right
Every time that you're upset and I smile
I know I should forget but I can't
Your face is pasty 'cos you've gone and got so wasted what a surprise
Don't want to look at your face 'cos it's makin' me sick
You've gone and got sick on my trainers
I only got these yesterday
Oh my gosh
I cannot be bothered with this
Well I'll leave you there till the mornin'
And I purposely won't turn the heating on and dear God
I hope I'm not stuck with this one
My finger tips are holding onto the cracks in our foundation
And I know that I should let go but I can't
And every time we fight
I know it's not right
Every time that you're upset and I smile
I know I should forget but I can't
And every time we fight
I know it's not right
Every time that you're upset and I smile
I know I should forget but I can't
And every time we fight
I know it's not right
Every time that you're upset and I smile
I know I should forget but I can't

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